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Voice of Baltimore: Career Satisfaction

Being satisfied in your career is important.

Observation Baltimore recently conducted a survey with 1,200 Baltimore residents pertaining to career engagement. Sixty-four percent (64%) of all respondents are currently working full-time. The majority of respondents were between the ages of 30 and 59 (66%) and college educated (58%).  Respondents were asked various questions about professional development, work place communication, engagement, compensation, and benefits. For the first of a two-part series we will focus on professional development, work place communication, and engagement.

Professional Development

With more and more companies calling for more education within their workforce, Baltimore residents are seeking out careers more closely aligned with their education background. Fifty-four percent (54%) stated they agree or strongly agree with the statement “I work in an industry/field that closely relates to my education background/area of study.”  With more and more employees aligning their career aspirations with their education background, fifty-three percent (53%) of the respondents agreed/strongly agreed that they were satisfied with their opportunities for professional growth.  When asked if their employer is dedicated to their professional development, results are almost evenly split 50/50 between those who agree/strongly agree and those who disagree/strongly disagree.


Any successful business leader will tell you that communication is vital to a company’s success. Respondents were asked if communication between senior leaders and employees is good and less than half agreed (48%). Fifty percent (50%) agreed/strongly agreed that management recognized strong job performance. When asked about their relationships with their supervisor and co-workers, the vast majority viewed those relationships in a favorable light (Employee-Supervisor, 76%; Employee-Colleague, 83%).  We also asked respondents about performance review frequency and impact.  Thirty-eight percent (38%) of respondents have 1 annual review, (23%) have 2 per year, and (21%) reported that they do not have a formal review.  Responses were mixed regarding whether or not employees find their reviews beneficial although many said yes (45%).


One area where Baltimore employers really seem to excel is creating an engaged workforce. Seventy-six (76%) of respondents agreed/strongly agreed with the statement “I feel completely involved in my work” which far exceeds the results of a recent Gallup poll showing 51% of employees being engaged. As a result of feeling engaged at work, Baltimore residents are inspired to meet their work goals (77%) and excited each day to go to work (51%).  Engaged employees tend to be the most productive and locked-in employees.  Sixty-nine percent (69%) of survey respondents stated that they either agree/strongly agree with the statement “When at work, I am completely focused on my job duties.”

Be sure to check back next month as we highlight the results focused on compensation and benefits.

About Observation Baltimore:

At Observation Baltimore, we understand that the success of your research is directly tied to the quality of your participants. Recognized as one of the top Maryland market research facilities and rated “One of the World’s Best” by Impulse Survey, we believe that Experienced Recruiting Makes the Difference. Our experienced recruiting is the foundation of our mission, as well as courteous and proactive hospitality and client services. Just six minutes from BWI airport and AMTRAK, our Baltimore research facility has a great location. Most importantly, we understand market research!

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